at the zoo #1

September 28, 2012


First sketching session at the zoo! Finally!
More to come since I don't want to waste my annual ticket.

Leopard. Tiger. Takin. Meerkats.
Tiger again. And I forgot the name of that nocturnal animal.
Lions and fennecs.
watercolours, ballpoint pen

20 days of Tegaki E

September 4, 2012


Second daily project this year and more to come! I'm having a wonderful friend from Scotland over for a week, so no time for keeping my tegaki project up. I also missed a day during the last 20 and did a small memo instead ;D Enjoy, visit me on Tegaki E (if you can find me haha) and look me up on tumblr – I'm still not sure what to post where, everything's a little messed up and I intend on keeping it this way, I think… 

The whole point of this daily tegaki project was to finally warm myself to digital painting and I have to say… I'm starting to like digital painting, it's getting easier, even though I have a long way to go. Why Tegaki? I got so fed up with all my unfinished PSDs and Tegaki was basic enough for me. I missed the luxury of having pressure sensitivity and a colour picker of course, but couldn't be helped. Succesful daily project anyway, YAY!  

Uhm. Beware of horrible proportions. My next side project will probably be something like start learning and understanding human anatomy from scratch. And I should do something about my messed up categories. And a new blog layout would be nice for a change.

daily portrait 112 +statistics

August 23, 2012

i'm going to skip the rest of my remaining daily portraits because it's a huge pile of junk. there are a few kinda-good ones left besides this one here, but… really not worth posting.

overall stats for my first daily project:
256 portraits / 194 days
01/01/2012 – 12/07/2012
consisting of
56 portraits / 14 days of Harry Potter
46 portraits / 46 days of Sherlock
37 portraits / 35 days of Lord of the Rings
25 portraits / 6 days of different actors (+ 1 musician + 1 fictional character)
92 portraits / 93 days of random people, friends, selfs, etc.
(…wait what. something missing here, can't remember skipping a day OTL oh whatever, who cares…)

well, i'm a little proud of myself, hehe :'3
i have photos of all 256 portraits spread out in our university's hallway since it was also my semester project for drawing classes – did make an good impression and it looks like such an crazy amount of portraits, when you have 7 extremely long fanfolds of portraits lying in front of you.
will post them as soon as i find them – that may take a while.

enough ranting for now, here is one of those remaining 92 portraits of "random people, friends, selfs, etc." and… it's a self portrait. kinda. it had my face in the mirror as a reference.

day 112
"self portrait" / ballpoint pens / 5min
reference: i + mirror = something like this

btw, i already started a new daily project last week – took about a month off because of first having no time at all anymore and then seriously needing a break from drawing for about a week, only to catch a serious cold for two weeks and spending the time wishing i would feel well enough to be able to draw again.
…i'm ranting again. so, see ya! 

daily portrait 101 adrien brody

August 22, 2012

"I see rhinoceros!"

day 101
adrien brody (as salvador dalí in 'midnight in paris'… kinda) / watercolours / 10min
reference: random screencap

daily portrait 094–100 greg lestrade

August 19, 2012

"Do you really not know that the earth goes around the sun?"

day 094–100
greg lestrade (rupert graves) / mixed media / 10min
references: random screencaps

daily portrait 087–093 mycroft holmes

August 17, 2012

"Bravery is by far the kindest word for stupidity, don't you think?"

day 087–093
mycroft holmes (mark gatiss) / mixed media / 10min
references: random screencaps

daily portrait 080–086 irene adler

August 16, 2012

"Brainy's the new sexy."

day 080–086
irene adler (lara pulver) / mixed media / 5–10min
references: here and there. don't have the exact links anymore..